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Toolbox Talk Topics

10 Best Toolbox Talk Topics

Master safety in the workplace with these 10 essential toolbox talks; PPE, electrical, hazard communication, fire, ergonomics, heat stress & more.

Calculating Fall Distance

Calculating Total Fall Distance

You have just received your new full body harness, 6-ft. shock-absorbing lanyard and anchorage connector. A structural engineer qualified all of your anchor points to ensure that they meet strength requirements per OSHA regulations. Is your personal fall arrest system complete? Perhaps not.

Ice Cleats

The Benefits of Ice Cleats and Traction Indoors and Outdoors

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2019, slips, trips, and falls made up 32% of non-fatal work injuries and 28 lost workdays. At up to $48,000 per incident to employers, it can add up quickly.