Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace accidents and injuries. According to OSHA, slips, trips and falls account for 16% of all deaths in the workplace and cost employers billions of dollars per year.

These types of injuries can be extremely costly but luckily there are some steps you can take to dramatically decrease the amount of slips, trips and falls in your workplace. Below are four tips to help you take the necessary steps today:

1. Reduce Wetness in Slippery Areas

This is the most obvious of precautions to take in preventing slips, trips and falls. Keep areas as dry as possible, as the chances of slipping and falling are significantly higher if the area is wet. If you spill something, don’t wait for someone else to clean it up, take care of it right away. If you see other spills clean those up as well and ensure the area is dry before you leave.

When possible, use false floors, platforms, mats or other dry standing places where the floors are wet, or wear proper waterproof footgear. Additionally, place warning signs around slippery areas to make employees aware of the danger.

2. Keep Hallways and Walkways Clear of Obstacles

People are not always 100% aware of their surroundings while they’re walking around the workplace. They may be on the phone or otherwise distracted and if there are objects in their path they are more vulnerable to tripping or falling on them. This can lead to injury and depending on the object can be severe. Always make sure the hallways and walkways in your workplace are clear and equipment and boxes are properly stored.

3. Report to Supervisor if Areas Look Unsafe

Employees should be encouraged to practice good housekeeping techniques and treat the workplace like its their home. Ask them to always clean up after a spill and keep work areas tidy and free of debris or other tripping hazards.

If there are areas that are observed as unsafe make sure your employees know they should go to their supervisor to report it. This will ensure the area is clean and free of hazards, while also preventing further issues. Through our site assessment, an Arbill Safety Expert can help you identify any issues or unsafe areas and develop a plan to reduce your risks.

4. Provide Proper Lighting for All Work Areas

Providing proper lighting is often overlooked when it comes to slips, trips and falls because people don’t always realize the impact of a dimly lit work area. If the lighting in an area is poor, workers are more likely to injure themselves since they are unable to see hazards in their way.

Commonly poor lit areas include stairwells, parts of warehouses and parking lots. Work with your building supervisor to ensure these areas are properly lit for both employees and visitors to ensure that there are no injuries.

2022 Work-Related Deaths

2022 Slip Trip and Fall Fatalities
Slips, trips and falls are a common threat to workplace safety and second only to motor vehicle accidents as a cause of fatalities. It’s incredibly important to take the proper steps listed above to promote workplace safety and prevent accidents and injuries.

Speak with an Arbill Safety Specialist to learn more steps you can take to reduce injuries and the associated costs.

Have a safe day!


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